
Computer History Tour

WAI Standards


WAI/WCAG Standards Reference (Click for more info)

  • Standard 1: Perceivable
  • Standard 2: Operable
  • Standard 3: Understandable
  • Standard 4: Robust

I ran ADAScan to check for WAI/WCAG compliance. The URL for that is: ADAScan beta

Accessibility results for ZUNAL.COM/WEBQUEST.PHP?W=411093

These results highlight opportunities to improve the accessibility of this web page. Only a subset of accessibility issues can be automatically detected so manual investigation is also encouraged.

We ran 70 checks, results are divided into four categories:
25 checks have passed.
36 checks do not apply to this URL.
7 checks should be corrected. (See below.)
2 checks should be manually reviewed. (See below.)

We recommend you correct the following:

Elements must have sufficient color contrast
Impact: Serious 

Frames must have title attribute
Impact: Serious

Heading levels should only increase by one
Impact: Moderate

Images must have alternate text
Impact: Critical

Page must have one main landmark
Impact: Moderate

Links must have discernible text
Impact: Serious

All page content must be contained by landmarks
Impact: Moderate

We recommend you manually review the following:

Elements must have sufficient color contrast
Impact: Serious

Frames must be tested with axe-core
Impact: Critical

Here is the URL for my test: TEST OF MY WEBQUEST



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