
The War in the Far East. The WW2. 7/12/1941- 14/8/1945


In June  of  1942 , the Japanese  send  a  large   fleet to the  island of Midway,

American planes have  been   using  this island  to  refuel   on  the long trips  from California   to  the South Pacific.

 If  the  Japanese  can  take  the  island,  they  will stop  these  flights  entirely.

At the  Battle  of  Midway,  the  U.S . Navy  sinks  four  Japanese  aircraft  carriers,

scoring a  clear  victory  and  turning  the  tide  of  the  war  in  the  Pacific.

The Japanese  begin  losing  ground.


The Battle of Midway
Description: ends Jun 7, 1942.

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