


For the first step of this task, you and your partner will be reading two essays.  You will take a follow-up quiz after reading these essays.  For the second step, you will view some paintings that came from the transcendental time period.  These paintings  reflect many of the elements and philosophy of transcendentalists.   You will need to complete a handout for responses to the second step.  If you enable for printing, you can type your handout and print it once your are finished!  (Keep it to one page only!)


Task 2, Step 1
Description: You will be reading two essays by the writers Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Pay close attention to the highlighted pink sections. When you are finished, take the Quiz 1 for a score! (See the left side for the quiz tab in the contents bar.) Be sure to list your name (and your partner's name, if applicable) in the box at the bottom so your scores can be recorded.
Task 2, Step 2
Description: Study the two paintings below and complete the venn diagram on the handout, noting the paintings' similarities and differences. Also, complete the final question at the bottom of the handout.


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