
Caste system in India, divided society.




# 1 2 3 4 Score
Preparing information, notes photographs and performance about prepared caste. Student didn't make his notes properly. He omitted a lot of vital informations. He didn't prepare photographs, performance etc. Student is prepared, but his notes are not complete. Student is prepared, he has required materials. Student is well- prepared. He took notes with pictures and other materials. His dedication to work was noticeable. 25%
Class short presentation Hard to understand the meaning of the presentation. Lots of grammatical mistakes. Understandable with constant explanations and repeating. One or two mistakes occurred. Presentation is well done. Minor mistakes in the grammar but overall understandable. Presentation is easily understood and well done. No mistakes in pronunciation and grammar. 25%
Prepared arguments Student wasn't able to prepare any arguments. Student prepared weak arguments, not exactly related to the topic. Student prepared 1 or 2 vital arguments. He was able to present it; however' he made some mistakes. Student prepared more than 2 arguments, he was involved in class discussion and he presented them confidently in front of the class. 25%
Team work Student was ignorant and he wasn't interested in this activity. Student didn't show a positive attitude and he wasn't trying to work as a team. Student showed a positive attitude. He had some difficulties in communication with group, but he tried to collaborate. Student showed an excellent attitude during the performance of the tasks and have collaborated with the classmates. 25%

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