
The Industrial Revolution: Good or Bad for England?



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Editorial May not take clear position Reasons do not support position Supporting details are missing or unclear Errors throughout Takes a clear position Reasons may not clearly support position Supporting details are missing or unclear Contains many errors Takes a clear position Uses reasons to support position Reasons may be supported with some details Contains some errors Takes a clear position Uses three clear reasons to support position Reasons are supported with clear details No spelling and grammar errors %30
Primary Source Images Image is not from correct time period/correct subject matter Caption does not describe image Caption does not describe how image supports the position taken in the editorial Image is from correct time period/correct subject matter Caption does not describe image Caption does not describe how image supports position Image is from correct time period/correct subject matter Caption describes image Caption may not describe connection between image and position taken Image is from correct time period/correct subject matter Caption describes image Caption describes how image supports the position taken in the editorial %20
Policy Recommendation Does not take clear position Does not reference positive and negative effects Policy recommendations missing/not supported Takes a clear position May not reference positive and negative effects Policy recommendations missing/not supported Takes a clear position May reference positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution to support position Makes 1-3 policy recommendations. may not justify them Takes a clear position References positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution to support position Makes and justifies 1-3 policy recommendations %30
Pamphlet Missing 1 or more elements Information is hard to find or understand Not visually stimulating May not contain all 3 elements Some information is hard to find or understand Less visually simulating Contains all 3 elements Information is mostly clear May be visually stimulating Contains all 3 previous elements Information is displayed in a clear manner Visually stimulating %20

Total Score: %100

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