
Critical Thinking Job Aids By Sandra Rogers, PhD



The teacher will use the following rubric to evaluate your job aid. Use these criteria while you plan your job aid artifact and write your report. 

Criteria for Job Aid

  • Addresses thinking frame(s) for your field of study
  • Based on logical rationale
  • Citation of sources if necessary
  • Design has 6 or more key elements of critical thinking
  • Everything is well-thought out
  • Format is user-friendly

Tip: Remember the A-B-C-D-E-F criteria for your job aid.


# Exemplar Very Good Good Needs Improvement Score
D. Job aid reflects critical reading and thinking skills. The job aid has at least six great strategies and/or skills for critical reading and thinking. The job aid has some good strategies and skills for critical reading and thinking. The job aid has a few good strategies and skills for critical reading and thinking. The job aid has only one good idea for critical reading and thinking. 4
A. The job aid reflects the learners' field of study. The job aid is clearly designed to meet the needs of the learners' field of study. The job aid is related to the learners' field of study. The job aid addresses some of the critical reading skills and strategies required for the learners' field of study. It is unclear how the job aid address the critical reading skills and strategies required for the learners' field of study. 4
F. The format for the job aid enhances the probable use of it by the learner. The job aid format is helpful and user-friendly. The job aid format is helpful. The job aid format is somewhat helpful. The job aid format is not very helpful. 4
B. The rationale for the job aid is solid. The rationale for the job aid is well-thought out and logical. The rationale for the job aid is logically sound. The rationale for the job aid is a good idea but lacks clarity. The rationale for the job aid is unsound. 4

Total Score: 16

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