
Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj : Malaysia First Prime Minister



Students will be assessed according to the rubric provided. The total points possible for this assignment is 50 points.
Evaluation Rubric

  Beginnning Developing Very Good Exemplary Score

Content Content does not create by your own effort. Content either provides an example of teaching, or an example of how something came to be-- but not both or one is far more developed than the other, it is not equal. Content is explores both objectives; however, they lack detail. Content is on target and it explores something that comes to be, have a variety, and it teaches something.    10

Creativity and Description Not very creative and/or there is no use of descriptor or sensory words. Creativity and/or the use of sensory and descriptor words are lacking. Creativity is present; however, could have used stronger descriptors. Terrific use of descriptor words, sensory examples,    and great connection words.   10

Presentation The presentation is bored. The presentaion is not well organized and is lacking facts. The presentaion is neat and organized, containing a few facts from their research. Presentation is well organized and contains complete and accurate facts from their research.   15

Participation Neither of the students in the group were actively involved in the assignment. Students participated in the assignment but failed to work cooperatively when writing their report/script. The students cooperatively participated when researching and creating the scripts. The students actively participated in researching, writing the script, and roleplaying their parts.   15

Total Score: 50


# Score

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