
The Dreaming



# Insufficient 1 point Sufficient 1.5 points Good 2 points Excellent 2.5 points Score
Story: Creativity/ Originality/ Content The story is not original and does not even resemble the Dreamtime tradition. It has fewer than 300 words. The story is entertaining. It shows the authors' understanding of the Dreamtime tradition. It has at least 300 words. The story is imaginative, entertaining and it teaches a moral. It fits within the Dreamtime tradition. It has between 300 - 500 words. The story is original, imaginative, entertaining and it teaches a moral. It fits within the Dreamtime tradition. It has between 400 - 500 words. %25
Story: Grammar/ Style use of tenses and/or descriptive adjectives is inconsistent and/or incorrect. Style does not resemble that of Dreamtime tradition. Contains over 15 grammatical mistakes. use of tenses is correct. Some use of descriptive adjectives. Style resembles Dreamtime tradition. Contains no more than 15 grammatical mistakes. Use of tenses or descriptive adjectives is consistent and/or correct and fits the Dreamtime tradition. Contains no more than 13 grammatical mistakes. Use of tenses and descriptive adjectives is consistent and correct and fits the Dreamtime tradition. Contains no more than 10 grammatical mistakes. %25
End product: Creativity/ Originality The end product is unoriginal, unimaginative and does not really tell a Dreamtime story. The end product is entertaining. It tells a Dreamtime story. The end product is imaginative, entertaining and it tells a Dreamtime Story. It has a clear beginning, middle and end. The end product is original, imaginative, entertaining and it tells a Dreamtime Story coherently. It has a clear beginning, middle and end. %25
End product: Co-operation The end product demonstrates individual work and shows a lack of co-operation. Group members are unable to tell/explain/describe the end product. The end product demonstrates that just the necessary co-operation took place in order to produce an end product. All group members are more or less able to tell/explain/describe the end product. The end product demonstrates that most group members have worked together. All group members are able to tell/explain/describe the end product. The end product demonstrates that all group members have worked together collectively. All group members are able to tell/explain/describe the end product and the process. %25

Total Score: %100

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