
Measures of Central Tendency



Congratulations!!! You have reached the end of our lesson. You should have successfully calculated the mean, the median, the range and the mode from our guided lesson activities. According to Seligman, statistics is a science which deals with the method of collecting, classifying, presenting, comparing and interpreting numerical data to throw light on inquiry. Based on Seligman ideas, the lesson gears you to collect, organize, compare and interpret data. This is the main purpose and aim of the lesson. If you find the lesson challenging and need additional help you can send "Help" to the following email address: [email protected]  and you will be assisted. In order for you to benefit more from this lesson, you are encouraged to do further readings on the importance of the measures of central tendency and how are they used in our everyday lives. Here is a link to help you understand the importance of the measures of central tendency; https://meds.queensu.ca/central/assets/modules/types-of-data/mode.html. Are you able to relate the measures of central tendency to any real-life situations? Please post your responses along with the question on our facebook page: https://web.facebook.com/stat.iks.35. 

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