ZUNAL Support Forum


Search results suggestion

I was browsing the Most Reviewed webquests and would like to suggest that somewhere in the paragraph about the web quest that the grade level be noted, and possibly the subject area as well. Many times you can guess the subject area from the keywords, but you need to go into it to check the grade level. It would be helpful to have grade level in the results information in the Most Reviewed as well as Most Recent and the general Search section.


United States Zunal

We will add this during the next update. Thank you.

United States Zunal

This feature is added. Thank you for your suggestion.
How about a search by keyword or language specific.
Nevermind. I found it :-)

United States Zunal

No problem.

United States Guest

I was looking at the Web Quest for Habibi and would like to use it but I can not. Please get someone to edit and proofread the exercises. There are so many grammatical errors that I can not use it for my students, although I suppose I could use it as an additional exercise in proofreading and finding errors. Zunal looks like a great service that I think teachers could use, but you really need a good proofreader and editor.

United States Zunal

We apologize for the inconvenience. Howerver, it is our policy to not control/cencor/edit webquest content published by our users. Also please remeber, there are currently 155000 webquest published on zunal. If you really liked a webquest but the grammar is not enjoyable, we suggest that you adapt/copy that webquest and enhance it by publishing it under your account (with a citation/reference to the original).