
it's your birthday bros



Welcome: it's your birthday bros
Description: its not for everyone to see
Grade Level: K-2
Curriculum: Professional Skills
Keywords: birthday chris birthday boy creed
Author(s): Valerie Almirola


Web Link
  • Website
    Description: kindly follow the old lady into this wonderful journey of scavenger hunting when you're done, move on to the next link :)

Web Link
  • Website
    Description: kindly follow your dreams with this guy find who the guy is, hint: he's an "american dj"

Web Link
  • Website
    Description: name the weirdo?? kevin mallon- https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4f/ae/06/4fae066e97e9daff9660bb1771a51d75.jpg dillon francis- https://pics.me.me/Instagram-i-thought-this-was-funny-~%C3%AD-519e8e.png sponge bob- https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b8/b7/43/b8b74372c443b6efd38517dfc1395a22.jpg

Web Link
  • look up
    Description: season 7, episode 19, minute 14:45 what place would you say this to?

Web Link
  • Website
    Description: look up the name on google go to the bottom of the page search the picture of excellence, hint: every human has a lot of these

Web Link
  • Website
    Description: when you get to this point, text me and i'll tell you whats next hopefully you made it to this point, hopefully you didn't find this COMPLETELY stupid hopefully we're still friends after this lol

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