
The Cuban Revolution- Batista's Regime and The Revolution



Welcome: The Cuban Revolution- Batista's Regime and The Revolution
Description: Cuba " key to the New World and the Bulwark of the Indies" strategically located it was regarded as the key to the Gulf of Mexico and so became a political pawn in International politics while the Cubans fought for their independence from Spain, United States and their very own local leaders. We will explore the events leading up to the Revolution of 1959, 'the Two Cubas',the indomitable spirit and the will of the people to fight in the name of the Revolution for their liberation and the effect the event had on the course of History.
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Social Studies
Keywords: Cuban Revolution,Fulgencio Batista, Fidel Castro, Ernesto Che Guervea,Camilo Cienfuegos Moncado Barracks.
Author(s): Dawn Buckland-james

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