
Don't just watch & learn.... SPEAK & LISTEN!

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This web quest was created in order to demonstrate the acquisition of the following:

Achievement indicator:
Applies and proposes activities for teaching and assessing listening proficiently.

Topics of the week
- Principles for designing listening techniques
- Classroom listening activities

*Below, you may review the rubric being utilized to assess upon completion. 


This web quest was created in order to demonstrate the acquisition of the following:
Achievement indicator:
Applies and proposes activities for teaching and assessing listening proficiently.
Topics of the week
- Principles for designing listening techniques
- Classroom listening activities
*Below, you may review the rubric being utilized to assess upon completion.

Excellent Good Needs Improvements
Fulfills Assignment Requirements for Webquest
10 (10%)
Assignment fulfills all the sections and requirements. Website well designed and resources well chosen.
5 (5%)
Assignment misses one requirement or section. Web design skills evident and online resources are mostly relevant and valuable.
3 (3%)
Assignment is incomplete. Web page creation skills are not evident. Online resources located for assignment are not evident or are not valuable.
Audience: The content is appropriate to the situation.
10 (10%)
The lesson will apply learning technologies that support instruction in their grade level and subject areas. The instructor plans and delivers instructional units that integrate a variety of software, applications, and learning tools.
8 (8%)
The message's content appears to be somewhat appropriate to a school situation and the grade for which it is designed. Meaning is sometimes hidden. Little care is taken to reflect a lesson for diverse populations.
5 (5%)
The textual material is either above, or below, the grade for which it is designed. The material is not appropriate for a school or this grade level. No strategies for diverse populations are evident.
Info Skills: links, graphics, sound, and animation
10 (10%)
Links, graphics, resources, sounds and animations are very appropriate. They lend additional information or motivation without detracting from the message. Font used is very readable and pages are pleasurable to view.
5 (5%)
Some minor confusion as to the message exists because of the links, resources, graphics, sounds, and/or animations chosen. Relation is artificial and somewhat strained.
3 (3%)
Poor choices made for instructional value. The links, graphics, sounds, and/or animations appear to have no or little relation to the text or overall lesson. Meaning is unknown.
Online Technology Resources
15 (15%)
The lesson uses telecommunications and information access resources to support instruction effectively. All links to your resources are appropriate and working. Only a minimal number are used so student does not get "lost" on the internet.
10 (10%)
Most links to your resources work fine, but there are a few that point to sources which are superfluous to the task.
5 (5%)
There are numerous problems in your internet links to the resources. Many of the links either don't work, or point to irrelevant sites.
Webquest Lesson Creation
15 (15%)
The scenario provided to motivate students is explicit and well written. A variety of media resources are used. Assignment uses technology to address specific student needs.
10 (10%)
Although some students may find the scenario strained, it should motivate most students. Resources seem to be chosen with some consideration for the overall tasks. Technology addresses some student needs
5 (5%)
Little is done to motivate the students. Online resources seem superficially chosen and do not address student needs.
10 (10%)
The process that students should proceed through to complete the project is broken out into clearly described steps and is well written.
8 (8%)
The process to complete the task may cause some confusion due to lack of clarity. The task may be misunderstood by some students.
3 (3%)
The steps to complete the process are not spelled out. Students may be confused. It is unclear as to what they are to accomplish as they work through the problem.
10 (10%)
Explicit directions ( in the form of a grading rubric) are included which tell how the students demonstrate their growth in knowledge. The "product" reflects this growth.
8 (8%)
Directions are provided on what students are to produce to demonstrate their growth, but it is questionable how well this actually reflects their learning.
3 (3%)
It is unclear what the students are to do or show that demonstrates they have learned anything from the activity. Few assessment strategies are evident.
Grammar and mechanics
10 (10%)
Excellent writing and completely adequate spelling
8 (8%)
Wording is consistent but presents two to six spelling errors
3 (3%)
Wording is confusing and has more than eleven spelling errors
Delivery time
10 (10%)
In time!
5 (5%)
One or two days late.
0 (0%)
Did not turn in activity.

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WebQuest Hits: 725
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