
Transport for kindergartners

Lesson Plan


This is a detailed lesson plan giving instructions and guidelines so that teachers may carry out this lesson effectively.

Section A

Date: 25/11/18
Subject: Social Studies
Topic: Transportation
Class: Infant (2) Duration: 25-30 minutes
No. of students: 7 girls 8 boys
Age Range: 6 - 7 years
Average Age: 6 years
No. Present: 20

Duration: Two 45 minute sessions

Section B

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. After viewing the PowerPoint presentation on transportation, the students will be able to define the term Transport
2. Given a YouTube video showing the types of transport, the students will be able to define types of transport.
3. After completing a work sheet student will be able to give examples of the various types of transport.
4. After playing safety rules Simon says students will be to identify types of transport safety.


  • Whiteboard
  • Whiteboard markers
  • Projector
  • Speakers
  • Construction paper
  • Colour pencils
  • Crayons, Stickers
  • Computers

Previous knowledge and experience 

• Students know the alphabet (different letters).
• Students know the difference between left and right

Description of Classroom Environment:
The classroom is well equipped and has all the necessary conditions conducive to learning. Students in the classroom are seated three in a desk which can facilitate teacher and student interaction. The student’s desks are arranged to facilitate group work and discussions.

Set Induction:
The teacher presents to the students with a toy airplane, car and boat and splits the students into three groups of five. Each group receives one toy the students are then asked to observe the toys in their groups and verbalize their thoughts on what it is and what it can do. The groups then share these thoughts with the class by engaging in discussion.

Section C: Content/Body of the Lesson




Teaching point 1
Introduction to transport

  • The teacher asks the students a question based on the set induction to transition into the first teaching point.
    -What do all the toys (airplane, car, boat) have in common?
    -Have you ever been in a car, plane or boat?
    - If yes why?
  • Teacher then uses a PowerPoint to highlight the content of the lesson that is; defining transport, land, air and sea transport and transport safety. The teacher will read and discuss the power point and ask questions accordingly?
    -How do you get to school? -How do people get to places that are far?-How can we practice safety when being transported? 

  • Summary of students’ responses
    Students’ responds to the teacher’s questions in an orderly manner where everyone is given an equal opportunity to answer.
    They respond:
    Example: Yes, they all move or Yes to go visit my grandma!
  • Students brainstorm and respond to the teacher’s question.
    - I get to school by bus.
    - People take airplanes to go to places that are far away.
    - I can buckle my seat belt to be safe in the car.

Teaching point 2
Types of Transport and examples

  • To further expose students to examples of the various types of transport the teacher plays a short video highlighting the various types of transport.
  • Teacher asks students questions about the video.
    Did everyone enjoy the video?
    What did you like most about the video?
    What example of transport was your favourite and where is it used?
  • The teacher then gives students chart paper split into three columns labelled land, air and sea.
    The teacher then instructs the students to draw and colour their favourite type of land air and sea transports in the columns.

  • Students are interested in the video and watch attentively.
  • Students’ responds to the teacher’s questions in an orderly manner where everyone is given an equal opportunity to answer.
    They respond:
    -Yes, we enjoyed the video.
    - I liked the music the most.
    - My favourite type of transport was the hot air balloon and it used in the air.
  • Students will be attentive to the teacher’s instructions and carry out activity.

Teaching point 3
Transport safety and its importance.

  • To reinforce transport safety the teacher conducts a game of ‘Safety Rules Simon Says’.
    This is a game of Simon says where the teacher says things like:
    -Simon says buckle your seatbelt
    -Simon says lock your door
    -Simon says remain seated
  • Teacher will ask students the safety practices they have learned and why they are important.

  • Students will be attentive to the teacher’s instructions and carry out activity.
  • Students’ responds to the teacher’s questions in an orderly manner where everyone is given an equal opportunity to answer.
    They respond: I learned to buckle my seatbelt, so I won’t get hurt while driving
  • Students’ responds to the teacher’s questions in an orderly manner where everyone is given an equal opportunity to answer.
    They respond: I learned to buckle my seatbelt, so I won’t get hurt while driving

Section D:

Teacher summarizes the main points of the lessons by asking for a definition of Transport and its types and safety practices. The teacher then allows each student to share a type of transport they would like to use and where they would like to go with it. Then the Teachers tells the class that the lesson has ended and thanks students for being a good audience by rewarding them with transport stickers.

Students will be placed in groups of three and given an online quiz on Kahoot to review what was learnt in the lesson.
Lesson Continuation: Students will be required to complete a project on Land Transport and Safety where they: Identify a type of land transport, someone who uses this type of transport and two safety practices one can use when being transported. This will be used to reinforce what was learnt.

Lesson Appraisal/reflection:



This link above is where we found the infant 2 social studies curriculum and the topic "Transport".


Blessin Mitchell-PowerPoint, Kahoot, Video, Lesson Plan, Webquest
Ariana Soodeen- User Guide, Webquest, Kahoot
Abede Wilson- User Guide, Webquest, Kahoot
Fadia Khan- User Guide, Webquest, Kahoot

All of the group members were able to work together and complete this Lesson

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