
The Mystery of the Colonial Journal

Teacher Page


This WebQuest is structured in a very inquiry-friendly format. You will notice that the first day is filled with exploration as the students familiarize themselves with the 13 colonies and their team's region. The next day is filled with very structured questions and heavily guided research. But the next day has a combination of tapered and open-ended questions to encourage higher thinking. The final days consist of a hands-on project led by the students. This method may be challenging at first for students who have never been exposed to the inquiry method before. Even so, it is simple for the students to pick up, and is an activity that they will be able to easily take responsibility for and to engage in. 


This WebQuest is based in the Kansas State Social Studies Standards for Fifth Grade: A New Nation, Beginnings Through 1800. This Quest focuses on the Colonization 1600s- 1760s Unit, which states: "This period of history focuses on the establishment, growth, and distinctive qualities of the various colonies. This includes the marked regional, political, social, and economic differences between New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies. Students should examine how these differences shaped the individuality of these colonies." Also used: Standard 5: How did geography affect the development of Colonial America?
The Link To the KSDE Website is below:


Sources for images:
http://www.commandothefilm.com/8-2/old-journal-with-pen/ image #1
http://barnes4shiloh.weebly.com/2nd-quarter.html image #2
http://theinspiredclassroom.com/tag/assessments/ image #3
http://www.excelined.org/2016/06/16/goodbye-middle-school-arbor-ridges-k-8-model-works-wonders/ image #4
https://www.chariho.k12.ri.us/cms-colonial image #5
https://www.landofthebrave.info/colonial-life.htm image #6
http://bonnercolonialamerica.weebly.com/farming.html image #7

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