
Hey Indiana! What About Your Environment?

Teacher Page


This is my very first webquest created. All of the content and resources is for the sole purpose of educating students and getting them engaged. I thank my professor for teaching me how to create a a valueble resource.

I would really appreciate if the viewers of my webquest would offer advise in the review section so that I can further improve my webquest.

 I am also fortunate for the websites available for my students. I thank the Readers Digest, Indiana StateUniversity, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, nisley.mesa.k12.co.us/, the Kids for the World Organization, and the Leicestershire County Council for their photos. The links to these photos are posted below:








LISTED UNDER THE INDIANA STATE STANDARDS: http://dc.doe.in.gov/Standards/AcademicStandards/StandardSearch.aspx


  • 4.2.7

Roles of Citizens: Use a variety of information resources to take a position or recommend a course of action on a public issue relating to Indiana's past or present.

  • 4.3.4

Places and Regions : Map and describe the physical regions of Indiana and identify major natural resources and crop regions.

  • 4.3.6

Physical Systems: Describe Indiana's landforms (lithosphere), water features (hydrosphere), and plants and animals (biosphere)

  • 4.3.11

Environment and Society: Create maps of Indiana at different times in history showing regions and major physical and cultural features; give examples of how people in Indiana have modified their environment over time.





Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Nonfiction and Informational Text:

Use appropriate strategies when reading for different purposes.



Recognize main ideas and supporting details presented in expository (informational texts).



Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.



Follow multiple-step instructions in a basic technical manual.



Organization and Focus:

Discuss ideas for writing. Find ideas for writing in conversations with others and in books, magazines, newspapers, school textbooks, or on the Internet. Keep a list or notebook of ideas.



Select a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based upon purpose, audience, length, and format requirements for a piece of writing.



Use logical organizational structures for providing information in writing, such as chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, and posing and answering a question.



Use multiple reference materials and online information (the Internet) as aids to writing.



Use a computer to draft, revise, and publish writing, demonstrating basic keyboarding skills and familiarity with common computer terminology.



Research Application:

Write or deliver a research report that has been developed using a systematic research process (defines the topic, gathers information, determines credibility, reports findings) and that:

• includes information from a variety of sources (books, technology, multimedia) and documents sources (titles and authors)

• demonstrates that information that has been gathered has been summarized.

• organizes information by categorizing it into multiple categories (such as solid, liquid, and gas or reduce, reuse, and recycle) or includes information gained through observation. (Core Standard)




Explain how some products and materials are easier to recycle than others



Support statements with facts found in print and electronic media, identify the sources used, and expect others to do the same.



Identify better reasons for believing something than "Everybody knows that . . ." or "I just know" and discount such reasons when given by others.



Observe and describe that organisms interact with one another in various ways, such as providing food, pollination and seed dispersal.



Explain how reasoning can be distorted by strong feelings



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