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1.Which 3 animals are invertebrates?

A. dog , cat, unicorn

 B. tiger , jellyfish, mouse

C. jellyfish, sponge,snail

2.Which kingdom has mold,mushrooms,and yeast?

A. Fungi kingdom

B. Monera kingdom

C. Plant kingdom

3. Which  is a vascular plant?

A. Plant kingdom

B. Sunflower

C. Moss

4. How many kingdoms are there?

A. 7



5.Does vertebrates have backbones?


B. all of the above

C. yes



6.Is a shark a vertebrate or invertebrate?

A. vertebrate

B. invertebrate

C none of the above

7. Is a dinosaur a invertabrate or a vertabrate?

A. vertabrate

B. invertabrate

C.none of ther above

8. What are examples of monera?

A. money

B. hotdog

C. pool

9. Which kingdom DOES NOT have a nucleus?

A. Monera

B. Fungi

C. none of the above

10. Which is a bad example of fungi?

A. sunflower

B. bread mold

C. none of the above

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