
The Giving Tree

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This webquest is a great way for inquiry based learning. Students are able to choose their own methods of developing a creative story. They are able to decide who their main character is and the reasons why this character is "thanking" trees. The students will use text to world connections throughout the development of the webquest. 

CT standards, learning objectives- Grade 5


3. Communicating with Others




4. Applying English Language  





Writing Process


  1. Plan:  gather and organize information from multiple sources to address a topic, e.g., electronic graphic organizer, comparison or classification chart.

  2. Draft:  complete draft demonstrating connections among ideas, supported by information gathered during planning stage.

  3. Revise:  rework writing several times based on different points of focus, e.g., first reading � add  details for elaboration; second reading � delete sentences or phrases to achieve paragraph unity; third reading � reorganize ideas for meaning.

  4. Edit:   use multiple resources, e.g., dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, for proofreading and editing.


  1. Publish and present final products, using a variety of technology, e.g., word processor, spreadsheet, multimedia, slideshow, publication software.

  2. Make purposeful decisions about format, graphics, illustrations, and other features, e.g., captioned photos, maps, based on audience.

  3. Publish for global audience.



  1. Provides evidence that writing goals have been met, e.g., My sentence fluency has improved because I now vary the beginnings of my sentences.

  2. Identifies professional authors� styles and techniques, e.g., leads, conclusions, word choice, purpose, character and plot development; critiques peers� writing and supports the opinion using established criteria, e.g., content, organization, style, conventions; explains strengths and weaknesses of own writing using criteria, e.g., rubrics and anchor papers, checklists, six-trait scoring guides; uses criteria to choose and defend choices for a writing portfolio.


SmartBoards are highly recommended in this webquest, they can be used to show video clips and pictures related to the story to engage the students interests. Also the students can learn about where in the World different types of trees come from, which can be pointed out on a map.

This webquest also accomodates ELL students. The attached document provides a front-loaded vocabulary sheet, ideas for writing topics, and a general overview of the directions.


8.1 Educational Technology All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge.
8.1.12.B.1 The use of digital tools and media-rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge.


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