
Penguin WebQuest for First Grade



As an exploration group, your task will be to research a type of penguin and bring back information that will help you to prepare your Penguin Exhibit.  Each group of 4 explorers will be given roles to fulfill. 

Role 1  Habitat Specialist:  Your job is to find information on your penguin species' habitat (where they live, climate) so that you can create a comfortable home for your penguin at the zoo.

Role 2  Dietician:  Your job is to research the foods that your penguin species eats so that the zoo can provide a healthy diet.

Role 3  Danger Ranger:  Your job is to find out what kind of predators or enemies your penguin species has, and prevent any dangerous problems at the zoo.

Role 4  Special Investigator:  Your job is to find out what characteristics make your penguin species special to promote the newest attraction at the zoo. 



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