
Things Fall Apart



Small Group Activity

In your small discussion groups chosen by random drawing, you will work together to share information you have collected on the history of Africa represented in Things Fall Apart. Each group will research a set of topics, take notes on the information, document their sources in MLA,  and then create a Google doc which will allow the information to be shared so that all groups may access each group's research findings for the creation of the final pamphlet.   The final pamphlet will focus on particular selections of information from each topic represented by a collection of images that will be on display at the museum.  Once the pamphlet is created, you will conduct a gallery walk and you and your group members will have an opportunity to share your expertise with the other groups and simulate the museum tour that your group created.  Following the gallery walk, you will spend a few weeks reading the novel and will then return to  the  projects and reflect on them (and the novel) in the conclusion section of this WebQuest.


Igbo: This group will research Africa, but they will focus on the Igbo people, their language, their customs, their social structure and their values.

Nigeria: This group will focus on the the continent of Africa. Group members will learn everything they can about the country of Nigeria (the setting for Things Fall Apart ) and teach us all about it.

Colonialism: This group will research the history of 1890 when British colonialism was at its peak in Africa. Group members will learn about African colonialism, particularly in Nigeria.  

Chinua Achebe: Members of this group will collect information about the author of Things Fall Apart including the origin of the title and motivation for Achebe's novel.  

African Storytelling: This group will research the  history of storytelling and its important to both the novel and in African culture.  Don't forget to include the importance of allegory.  

(Click on the link for Process to get started...)


  • Museum Pamphlet Sample
    Description: There are many resources of museum tours on the internet that can help your group brainstorm ideas for your project. Here is an example of the final product.

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