
Scientific Notation



The task of this lesson is to teach you the basics of Scientific Notation. As I previously stated in the introduction section, Scientific Notation is basically a tool used to compute really small numbers and really big numbers. This method is a core technique used in basic skills math, science, and even advanced calculus! It is very important as a student to learn and have good understanding of Scientific Notation. 

Working in pairs (or by yourself if you choose), you will follow the instructions on the process page answering the questions on the worksheet by following the links provided. You will have the entire day for this task which, is to be completed in class. Next you will take a short quiz (clicking on the link) in the process section. This quiz is more for learning and will not count toward your final grade.

When you research this topic, you will see that there are the basics of Scientific Notation, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing Scientific Notation. Please do not be intimidated by the amount of information you research. Take this step by step, and I promise you will find this to be an easy method to master. Also, keep in mind the ways you could use Scientific Notation in both the class as well as solving real life problems. Your main goal is to learn the basics (conversion).

Here is a quick introduction to Scientific Notation.


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