
Black History Month - Lesson Plan and Journal



Instructional Objective(s) � Matching Black Americans to Their Significant Accomplishment

      Given a journal, with icons representing Black Americans, documenting their significant contributions, students will document and reflect on the important contributions of each American studied with clarity and detail.

      Given a notebook to record the contributions, inventions, and significant accomplishments of these men and women, students will compile their research ina journal for future reference.   They will reflect on the life of the American they have studied and document their personal thoughts in their journal. Students will reflect on a time when they may have experienced a similar circumstance or feeling.

      At the conclusion of the lesson students will be able to discuss with teacher and peers why it is important to persevere in the completion of their life goals.

      Given a multiple choice exam after the completion of the unit, students will correctly identify each American to their specific contribution with 100% accuracy.


Description: 2Dexter. R (1996). Young Arthur Ashe. Bel Air, CA: Troll Associates Hill, M (2003). Colin Powel. New York, New York: Welcome Books Hudson, W (1995). Five notable inventors. New York, New York: Scholastic Cartwell Books Jackson, G (1993). Benjamin Banneker, scientist. Parsippany, NJ: Modern Curriculum Press, Jackson, G (1994). Shirley Chisholm congresswoman. Toronto, Canada: Modern Curriculum Press Kerry, K, Social Learning Theory, How People Learn by Observation, Retrieved March 11, 2015 from: http://psychology.about.com/od/developmentalpsychology/a/sociallearning.htm Jordan, D (2000). Salt in his shoes. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers Nelson, R (2003). Martin Luther King, Jr day. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Company Nichols, Catherine (2002). Harriet Tubman, New York, NY: Scholastic Hello Reader, New Ringgold, F, (1993). Dinner at aunt Connie's house. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc. Ryan, P (2002). When Marian sang. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Grade 1 (2010) �110.12. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 1, Retrieved January 17, 2011 from: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:2H6qoUj_3kQJ:www.tea.state.tx.us/WorkArea/linkit.aspx%3FLinkIdentifier%3Did%26ItemID%3D2147486098%26libID%3D2147486097+Grade-Course:+110.12+Grade+1&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiufOjM2Yh0zSvSB4Ubz6oLAkCByfWMJccfBwcWRNFH80cuy4yvFp9YcL1g3We100qpMxMVwHtR7JLd5Fg3uOYyg4THt2zMl78TI4csGE5EClAKMtmrvcKNRY7Uw9dZH0sHPpYh&sig=AHIEtbQAmnlaoCr9w7YiDI_1LjgDbPiGrQ Walker, P (2001). Martin Luther King, Jr, New York, NY: Welcome Books
Dear Benjamin Banneker
Description: 1

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