
Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulemia


Eating Disorders:Anorexia and Bulimia

Web Quest Questions

1.      What is the difference between anorexia andbulimia?


2.      List three signs of anorexia


3.      List three signs of Bulimia


4.      What has said to be the cause of Anorexia?


5.      What are some causes of Bulimia?


6.      List five effects of Bulimia.


7.      What does Bulimia do to a person�s teeth?


8.      What are three effects of anorexia?


9.      What is osteoporosis?


10.  What are some long-term effects of anorexia?


11.  Why does Anorexia negatively affectrelationships?


12.  What is the most common cause of death among anorexics?


13.  What are some long-term effects of Bulimia?


14.  What may a bulimic who suffered from laxativeabuse experience?


15.  What are three mental health problems that oftenoccur with Bulimia?


16.  Treatment for eating disorders may include;


17.  What is a common type of family therapy foreating disorders?


18.  How long can treatment take for an eatingdisorder?


19.  How can parents prevent their children fromobtaining an eating disorder?


20.  How can someone get help with an eatingdisorder?


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