
Earning Spring Break


You are babysitting your younger brother and sister this Saturday. You have to feed them both 5 meals that day in order to keep them healthy and your mother happy, otherwise, you won't be going anywhere for spring break. You have to plan out what you are going to feed both your brother and sister throughout the day. You are not allowed to cook anything while your parents are gone, so meals should be bought from restaurants. Snacks and meals that do not need to be prepared can be bought from the grocery store.


Your sister is a diabetic and her blood glucose level needs to stay at normal levels. Your brother has a weight problem and is on a 2000 calorie diet. To help you know if the meals you pick out are suitable for your brother and sister you need to use mypyramid.gov to calculate the nutrional information. It will allow you to give information about your brother and sister's nurtional needs.


You need to print off the results from mypyramid.gov once you reach the nutritional needs for your brother and sister.This will be turned in along with your answer to the question; Is it possible to find healthy food at places you usually eat?

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