
It's All Greek to Me



The students will develop a shipping and trade map between Greece and America that reflects the early 1900s. The students will have a complete understanding of what shipping and trade was between the two countries. They will understand the concept of mapping and keys as it pertains to this task.  The next task students will develop an understanding of three key products that have been part of Greece's culture for centuries: grapes, Greek olives and Olive Oil.  The students will understand how to cook with or use the three products as ingredients in a Greek dish.  Students will also research the impact of those three items on Greece and other countries. The next task will give students a visual understanding of what it was like to be on a ship during the late Bronze Age in the Mediterranean.  They will be able develop and understanding of the people who worked on those ships, the duties they had to perform, the cargo on those ships, and what the characteristics of those individuals were at that time.  The next task is to introduce the forms of government that the Greeks practiced during the era of ancient Greek times.  Student will understand how the different forms of government worked to solve global issues through a democratic process.  The last task will be for students to take notes from information provided by the teacher. From those notes fill in seven categories and decide which city-state would be a good geographic area to live. 

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