
Social Studies Benchmark: Charting the Course



  In this Web Quest you will have 5 tasks. 

  • Your 1st task in this Web Quest is: What are  the cause and effect relationships between historical events? 

By identifying the cause and effect relationships that contribute to historical events you will be better able to understand the major historical event that was the final outcome. You will also be able to see how the events surrounding the historical event played a contributory role and what their individual effects were. By completing this task you will see how events leading up to the Great Depression played a role in one of the most significant events in the 20th century. 

  • Your 2nd task in this Web Quest is: What are some of the contributions made by important people during the Renaissance?

Historical people may be from the past, but the effect of what these people did is still evident today. The men of the Renaissance period were truly ahead of their time. Furthermore, their contributions have had a lasting effect. By completing this task you will be able to learn more about who these men were and what their individual contributions were. Moreover, you will also be able to share this information with your peers.

  • Your 3rd  task in this Web Quest is: How can an individual contribute to a school or a community?
When you contribute to your school or community you are being a responsible citizen. A responsible citizen is a specific type of person that does their part in a democratic society; not because they must, but because it is simply the right thing to do. Furthermore, the acts of a responsible citizen benefit everyone. By completing this task, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the concept of being a responsible citizen. You will also have the opportunity to help with a community service project. You will also have the opportunity to help a friend identify a way that he or she can be a responsible citizen.

  • Your 4th task in this Web Quest is: How do humans respond to or prepare for natural disasters?
Natural disasters can occur in many forms. Some natural disasters may be worse than others. However, it is vital that you be aware of various types of natural disasters and how you can respond to or be prepared for each type. By completing this task you will become more aware of how a natural disaster can occur, whether or not it can be predicted and its effect on people. Moreover, you will get firsthand experience in creating a disaster preparedness plan of your own.

  • Your 5th and final task in this Web Quest is: How does money, as opposed to barter, facilitate trade?
Money is something that effects every aspect of our lives. However, the money that we have today hasn't always been around. Before money was invented the system of bartering was created to help people get what they want or need. However, bartering proved to have its limits and was eventually replaced by money. By completing this task you will be able to better understand each concept, determine how they are uniquely different and the similarities they have in common. 

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