
The Constitution



Uncle Sam wants Mr. Patterson�s class to store as much information in your brain as possible about the Delegate of the Constitution. It has been reported that in two weeks a virus will be launched that will destroy all historical information about the constitution. Any and all information about the constitution including documents, videos, books, even text books will be stored at the base the Ozark Mountains in a giant vault for safe keeping. The only information will be what is stored in the minds of students. Several schools have been selected to store information about the constitution. Mr. Patterson�s class will provide information on the Delegate�s of the U.S. Constitution.

Go to resources and "click on attached file" for directions about how to prepare for your mission.

There are two links to Congress for Kids, the links lead to separate pages on Congress for Kids with tasks and an assignment that will need to be turned into Mr. Patterson.

There are two links to Congress for Kids, the links lead to separate pages on Congress for Kids with tasks and an assignment that will need to be turned into Mr. Patterson.



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