



            As task I would get the administrative body involve in educting students about:

  • The effect of early unplanned pregnancy
  • Going to centres that house pregnat teenagers and interviewing them.
  • Preparing questionere to ask the public in general about teenage pregnacy
  • Visting schools to have a one on one talk with the students.


Have students create posters/displays for the community on preventing teen pregnancy in cooperation with local health district. May is National Prevent Teen Pregnancy month, and this would be a good activity and reminder for teens before summer starts.
(Before and After)

Process  : Have students go through the classified ads to determine what housing is available and its cost. Have students examine classified ads for jobs available, salaries offered and skills/training necessary for positions. What kind of job do they want to have? What level of education is necessary?
Discuss with students the impact of having a baby would have on their budget. Could they afford it? What income level would they need to attain to feel comfortable having a child? (See Baby Budget).
Have students think about costs not listed that would be associated with having a baby, going to the doctor, toys, books, cereal, food, juice, medicine.

1. Write these words on the board: peers, parents, school, the media. Ask students to describe some of the ways in which each of these factors influences teen decisions and behaviors regarding sexual activity, including pregnancy prevention. In other words, how do peers, parents, the school, and the media affect the choices of people their age? List their ideas on the board.
2. Ask students if there are any other factors that they think have a strong influence on teenagers� behaviors related to dating, sex, and pregnancy. Write these additional ideas on the board if students have any to contribute.
3. Show students the To the Contrary teen pregnancy episode. Ask them to pay particularly close attention to factors that the teens featured in the program feel have the most influence on their decisions and behaviors. Have students take notes on these factors.
4. Discuss these questions as a class:
1. What did the teenagers in the video feel are the most important factors to help prevent pregnancy in their age group?
2. What suggestions did the program give for how parents can influence their teenage children�s decisions about sex?
3. What do you think Sarah Brown meant when she stated that "parents are�the unrecognized weapon" against teen pregnancy? What does this statement suggest about parents� roles?
5. Discuss as a class whether students agree or disagree with what the teenagers in the program have said about the role of parents in influencing decisions about sex


1A.   In other words, how do peers, parents, the school, and the media affect the choices of people their age? List their ideas on the board.

2A.   Write these additional ideas on the board if students have any to contribute.
3A. Have students take notes on these factors.

Divide the class into small groups of approximately four students each. Ask each group to look at the poll results at "Parents and Teen Pregnancy: What Surveys Show"Have them discuss and write the answers to the questions below. When group members disagree with each other, they should write down the point(s) on which they disagree and record the opinions of all sides of the debate within their group.

Please see resources for survey results


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