
"Explore" the History of Florida!



Day One: The Discovery of Florida

Search the websites at the bottom of this page and answer the following questions in the form of a journal writing. Remember to use your own words!

What is a "conquistador"?

Who was the first explorer to discover Florida?

What country did he come from?

What was he searching for?

What month and year did he discover our state?

In what present-day city did his ships land?

For what country did he claim Florida?

What was landscape like when he got here?

He gave the land a name. What was it and why did he choose that name?

He discovered other parts of Florida. What did he name those?

What Native Indian tribe did the explorer and his men find?

Compare and contrast this exploration with that of the Pilgrims. How was it different? How was it the same?

Include the title of the webpage where you found your information. 

Be sure to include all important details and dates that go along with the answers. Also, make sure you're not simply answering the questions. Remember, you are an explorer as well and this is your journal that will leave the legacy of Florida for others to read about!

Day Two: More Explorations in Florida

Visit the websites at the bottom of this page and answer the following questions about the explorations of two conquistadors. Make sure you write your journal entries using your own words! 

Who arrived in Tampa bay in 1528? What month was it? What do you think the weather was like?

How many soldiers and horses did he take to explore Florida?

What happened to the ships? How long did they search the coast?

Who was the explorer's treasurer and marshall? 

Towards what city did the explorer and his men march?

What are barges? What were they made of and how were they used by the Spanish explorers?

How many men did the explorer take out to sea in 1528?

What happened while at sea?

How many men made it to Mexico City and how long did it take for them to get there?

Who read the story of these explorers and was inspired to explore Florida?

How was this exploration different from the first exploration by Ponce de Leon? How was it the same?

Include the title of the webpage where you found your information.

Be sure to include all important details and dates that go along with the answers. Remember, you are an explorer as well and this is your journal that will leave the legacy of Florida for others to read about!

Day Three: Hernando de Soto Explores Florida

Visit the sites at the bottom of this page and answer the following questions about Hernando de Soto's exploration in Florida.  Remember to keep it in journal format and your own words!

Who is Hernando de Soto?

What did he do to prepare for his expedition to Florida?

When did his mission start?

Discuss who and what was included on the mission. 

Where did de Soto's vessels make landfall?

How long did it take for them to get there?

Who did they find there and what was the significance of this discovery?

Explain the march inland. When did it occur? In what areas did they explore? What kinds of trouble did they suffer?

What sparked the war between the Natives and de Soto's army?

After the war, where did de Soto and his men go next?

What Native Indian tribe did they encounter?

Hernando de Soto and his men also explored other states. What were they?

When did Hernando de Soto die? What did he suffer from?

How was Hernando de Soto's exploration similar to the explorations before it? How was it different?

Include the title of the webpage where you found your information. 

Be sure to include all important details and dates that go along with the answers. Remember, you are an explorer as well and this is your journal that will leave the legacy of Florida for others to read about!

Day Four: Discover Florida Facts & Symbols

Visit Yahoo Kids! (The link is provided at the bottom of this page) Use the search engine at the top right of the website to search for websites that will give you information about Florida facts and symbols. Make sure you find the following:

State Animal
State Flower
State Bird
State Marine Animal
State Reptile
State Song
State Tree

Find pictures of Florida's state flag. Go to the resource below that is titled Florida State Flag. Color in the flag to make it look as accurate as possible. It should look just like our state flag! Then click the print button so you can add your flag to your journal. 

Find pictures of Florida's state seal and draw a picture in your journal. 

These facts and symbols can simply be listed on a separate page in your journal.
Be sure to include the website where you found your facts. 

Day Five: Share your discoveries! 

Today you will meet in groups and share entries of your journal. Pick your favorite journal from your time as an explorer and share it with your group! Also, choose at least one interesting finding from your exploration through Florida's history and share it with your group.  Ask your group members any questions you may have about the information they found. 

When all groups are finished sharing, you will contribute parts of your journal to create a classroom encyclopedia on the history of Florida! 

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