
Career WebQuest


You will have several assignments to complete in order to finish this WebQuest. Each assignment will help you to find out more about career choices and you to narrow down your choices to help you complete the task at hand.


Assignment 1: Begin by taking a career interest survey which will help to determine your career interests and provide possible jobs for your consideration.  Click on the link below



Assignment 2: After taking the survey, list five careers that you be interested in possisibly pursuring in the future. Click on the link below called Attachment 1 File:Career Choices.


Assignment 3: Now that you have chosen your 5 careers, click the link below named Attachment 2 that says Career Research form in order to complete the form. Use the links below to help you find research your answers for the form.

Link 1: http://www.bls.gov/k12/

Link 2: http://www.bls.gov/search/ooh.asp?ct=OOH

Link 3: http://collegecareerlifeplanning.com/uploads/Job%20Outlook%20without%20Bachelors%20Degree%202004-14.pdf

Link 4: http://collegecareerlifeplanning.com/uploads/Job%20Outlook%20without%20Bachelors%20Degree%202004-14.pdf

Link 5: http://www.careerinfonet.org/Occupations/select_occupation.aspx?next=occ_rep&level=&optstatus=111111111&id=&nodeid=&soccode=&stfips=&jobfam=

Assignment 4: Click the link below to hear and see first hand information from different workers about their chosen professions. http://www.careervoyages.gov/careervideos-main.cfm

Assignment 5: Answer the following questions to help creating a written report. Click the link entitled Attachment 3: Report Helper.





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