
Pilgrim Life



The Process

This section is written with the Teacher in mind! The teacher should read the directions in red to the students. This is designed as a lesson plan or directions for each day. This should be used in conjunction with the Resources listed on the Teacher.

  1. Task 1 -Where did your family come from? Who is in your family? In this task, you will create a family tree. Draw a picture of yourself in the middle. Find out where you and your family were born. Fill out all of the spaces that you can on the family tree. Once you have learned where you and your family came from, you will share your family tree with the class. You will tell the class where you and your family came from.

  2. Task 2-Create a journal to write or draw the new information you are learning about the Pilgrims. Keep this in a safe place so you can write on it every day! You will be using this journal to help you create your Venn Diagram.

  3. Look at the Pilgrim house. Are they built the same as your house? Are they as big as your house or apartment? Do they look like houses you see in your neighborhood?

  4. Did Pilgrims live in neighborhoods? Look at how they put their houses together. Is it like your neighborhood? What shape are the Pilgrim houses in? Would you want to live like that?

  5. You will look at pictures of the clothes Pilgrims wore back then. What colors were their clothes? What did the women and men wear? What did the children wear? Did the boys and the girls wear the same thing? How are their clothes like your clothes? How are they different?

  6. Listen to stories read by your teacher about the Pilgrim children. What did they like to do for fun? What chores did they have to do at home or on the ship? What do they eat? What did they eat at the First Thanksgiving?

  7. Look at the Mayflower ship. You will look at pictures of the ship and see different rooms or parts of the ship. Find out the name for a room that doesn't mean what you think it means. How big was the ship? How many rooms were on the ship? Where did they eat on the ship? Where did they sleep? Where are the bathrooms?

  8. Look at some more pictures of the Mayflower. How is the ship put together? Think about how you would like to travel to a new place. Now is your chance to create your own vehicle to travel in.

  9. Task 3-You will begin learning about the Pilgrims. You will be filling in the Venn Diagram with things you learn about the Pilgrims and about things in your life too. Remember to think of how the Pilgrims are like you and how they are different than you. Use your journal to help you fill out your diagram.

  10. Task 4-Create your own vehicle to travel in. Use the art supplies in the room to create your vehicle. Make sure your vehicle has a name. Tell us how you would travel in the vehicle. Where do you sleep? Where is the kitchen and the bathroom? What else is in your vehicle? How many people can travel in your vehicle?

  11. Task 5-Work with your group to create a play about a life adventure! Your teacher will help your group write everything down so you can learn your parts. Work with your group to create a life adventure. What kinds of clothes would you wear. How would you travel? Who would travel with you? What are you taking along? Where are you going? Why are you traveling? Remember, you are going to do the play in front of the class!

  12. Task 6-Print out the rubrics and grade your vehicle, Venn Diagram, and teamwork in your group. After grading your own Venn Diagram, you will also be looking at other students' diagrams and sharing comments on their diagrams.

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