
Introduction to Argumentative Essay: Collaborative Writing



Step 1. Concepts of Argumentative Essay

This step is completed in the first meeting with goal of making you comprehend concepts of argumentative essay. There are two activities you must do in this step. The first one is finding out (1) definition of argumentative essay, (2) debatable and non-debatable statements, (3) types of argument, (4) examples of topics and thesis statement, (5) steps of composing argumentative essay, (6) options for organizing argument essays (inductively or deductively), (7) refutation, (8) transitions (connectives) for argument, (9) providing evidence to support your claims and (10) features of good argument essays. The second one is to make a resume for the aforementioned concepts. Type the resume in not more than 500 words. The references you can use for having those concepts are as follow

  1. http://en.bookfi.net/book/1425338
  2. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwik3dzI8IbfAhXGinAKHY34CKkQFjAAegQIBBAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.texasgateway.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fresource-lists%2Fdocuments%2FTEPT_CompBook_Print.pdf&usg=AO
  3. http://en.bookfi.net/book/1050016
  4. http://en.bookfi.net/book/1196836
  5. http://en.bookfi.net/book/1377095

Step 2. Argumentative Essays and Their Analyses
This step is undertaken in the second meeting. In this step, you have to learn one model argumentative essay and its analysis taken from Shiach (2007) with the URL as http://en.bookfi.net/book/1270228. Subsequently, please find three argumentative essays in https://www.mesacc.edu/~paoih30491/ArgumentSampleEssays.html and make their analyses in term of (1) which authors do the best job of influencing the readers, (2) how stories, facts, and statistics are used to develop their ideas, (3) make suggestions to improve their essays. Write the analyses in the form of a 200 word essay.

Step 3. Outlining

This step is done in the third meeting. In this step you have to visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_1Zv_ECy0g. This URL contains video about "Skills Every Child Will Need to Succeed in 21st Century". After watching the video you have to discuss it with your group whether you agree or disagree with the opinions about skills children need for the success of 21st century education. If your group has both opinion i.e. agree and disagree, decide which skills you agree with and which skills you disagree with. After that the one who agrees with the skills must discuss further with the one who agrees with them as well while  the one who disagrees with the skills must discuss further with the one who disagrees with those skills. Then what you must do is that you have to make an outline you will use for composing your argumentative essay about agreement or disagreement about the skills. That outline consists of the thesis statement, the topic sentences of each body paragraph, and a concluding statement.

Step 4. Developing Argumentative Essay Individually

This step is done outside the classroom individually. After making the outline for your argumentative essay in step 3, develop it into full argumentative essay in 250 words individually. Afterwards, self-assess your essay using self assessment checklist provided in the attachment below


Web Link

Web Link
  • Skills Every Child Will Need to Succeed in 21st century
    Description: This URL contains video about Skills Every Child Will Need to Succeed in 21st century. What you need to do is discussing whether you agree or disagree with opinion on that video. Then the one who has the same opinion in the group must discuss further in order to make an outline for composing argumentative essay.

  • self-assessment checklist
    Description: This checklist might assist you in assessing your argumentative essay taken from Kirzner and Mandell (2009). Use it when you are done with your activity of composing your essay.

Web Link
  • Model argumentative essays
    Description: This reference provides some model argumentative essays. Take three argumentative essays then compare them in case of (1) which authors do the best job of influencing the readers, (2) how stories, facts, and statistics are used to develop their ideas, (3) make suggestions to improve their essays.

Web Link

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