
Early American History – The Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution



A. Day 1 Activity – American Revolutionary War Cause and Consequences Chart

Time: 90 minutes

One of the final Colonial War (1689-1763) was the “French and Indian War. This war was not purely between the American Colonist and England; rather this war was a result of a dispute involving Austria, England, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Sweden. It was often called the “Seven Years War.” The conflict was played out in Europe, India, and North America. In Europe, Sweden, Austria, and France allied together to defeat Frederick the Great, King of Prussia. The English and the French battled for colonial domination in North America, the Caribbean, and in India. The English did ultimately come to dominate the colonial outposts, but at a cost so staggering the resulting debt nearly destroyed the English government. It was this large debt that caused the escalation of tensions between the American Colonist and England that led to the American Revolutionary War. (The French & Indian War, n.d., para 1). Parliament was desperate to obtain two objectives:

1. To tax the colonies to recover monies expended on the battle over North America, and
2. To restore the profitability of the East India Company in an effort to recover monies spent on the battle over India.

England felt the best way to overcome this debt was to charge the colonies taxes. England felt that the war was fought to defend and protect the colonies therefore, they should be the ones responsible for paying the debt back.

Your objective is to create a chart covering the various taxes that England imposed on the colonies in order to pay off the debt. The chart needs to include the following items:

  • Identification of the taxes (Tea, Stamp, Sugar, Townshend, Intolerable, Quartering and Navigation)
  • Description of the taxes
  • Impact on the American Colonist
  • The colonies' reaction to the taxes
  • The chart needs to be created in Microsoft Word and printed when you are finished.

When finished with the chart, you should be able to answer 3 questions 

  1. What were the Tea and Stamp Acts?
  2. Was Florida’s reaction to the taxes similar to the other Colonies? Why or why not?
  3. Which act do you feel justified the colonists going to war? Why?

    Below is an example of what the chart should look like

    England Taxation on American Colonies

Taxation (Act)


Description of Tax (Act)

Impact on American Colonies

Colonist Reaction

Intolerable Acts

Sugar Act

Stamp Act

Townsend Act

Tea Act

Quartering Act of 1765

Navigation Acts 1763

Lastly, you will accomplish this chart collaboratively with your Social Study partner. Please find your partner and an open computer. Remember, this project must be completed in Microsoft Word, use proper spelling and grammar.

You have 90 minutes to complete this project.


Computer with Internet access. Students need access to the following websites.

Intolerable Acts:

• For reference material: http://www.ushistory.org/us/9g.asp  

• For Articles and Videos: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/british-parliament-adopts-the-coercive-acts   

Sugar Act:

• For Articles and Videos: https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/stamp-act   

• Land of the Brave: https://www.landofthebrave.info/sugar-act.htm   

Stamp Act:

• For Articles and Videos: https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/stamp-act   


Townshend Act:

• For Articles and Videos: https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/townshend-acts   

• For reference material: http://www.ushistory.org/us/9d.asp   

Tea Act:

• For Articles and Videos: https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/tea-ac t

• Land of the Brave: https://www.landofthebrave.info/tea-act.htm   

Quartering Act of 1765:

• For Article: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/parliament-passes-the-quartering-ac t

• History is Fun: https://www.historyisfun.org/blog/quartering-act-of-1765/  

Navigation Act of 1763:

• For reference material: https://www.britannica.com/event/Navigation-Acts  

• Land of the Brave: https://www.landofthebrave.info/navigation-acts.htm  

Summary of all the Act:

• http://teamsigmasocialstudies.weebly.com/uploads/2/2/7/0/22708616/reference-british_laws__acts.pdf   

B. Day 2 Activity – Create an advertisement protesting the Stamp and Tea Act. 

Time: 55 minutes

The colonist had a very strong reaction to the Tea and Stamp Acts imposed on them by King George II of England. Your job is to create an advertisement to be displayed in Pensacola that will articulate a strong protest again either the Tea or Stamp Acts. You will create this advertisement using Microsoft Power Point. Your advertisement will include the following items:

  • A Slogan or Header (Which act you are Protesting),
  • A Picture to Support Your advertisement,
  • Specific reasons you should support the ban on the taxes,
  • Specific reason why the taxes are unfair, 
  • How people should support the ban (must be non-violent), 
  • Make sure your name is on the advertisement and
  • When you are finished with the advertisement, please print the advertisement out.

C. Day 3 Activity – Newspaper Article 

Time: 55 minutes

Christopher Gadsden was not from Florida but was very influential in early politics that affected the south and a major player in the boycott again England and its taxes. He was born in Charleston, South Carolina on February 16, 1724, the son of Elizabeth and Thomas Gadsden, a collector of customs. For this activity, you will perform a little research on Christopher Gadsden and write a newspaper article identifying who he was, how he is supporting the ban and/or boycott against England and its taxes. Your article should address Christopher Gadsden’s specific position on the Stamp and Tea Act, and his role in the Sons of Liberty.


  • One paragraph identifying who Christopher Gadsden was,
  • One paragraph identifying his position on the Stamp and Tea Act, 
  • One paragraph on his role in the Sons of Liberty and the events leading to the American Revolution,
  • Types in Times New Roman 12pt. Font, Double Spaced, 1-inch margins,
  • Make sure your name is on the article, and
  • When you are finished with the article, please print the article out.

Websites to help:

•  http://www.scencyclopedia.org/sce/entries/gadsden-christopher/  


• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Gadsden

D. Day 4 Activity – Brochure.

The “Sons of Liberty” played an important part in the resistance that was growing among the colonies against King George III and England and his taxes. You will need to create a recruiting brochure that identifies who the “Sons of Liberty” were and the roles that the played during the Revolutionary War.

Your newsletter needs to include the following items:

  • A title for the newsletter
  • An article on what the Sons of Liberty Were
  • Who are some of the leaders of the Sons of Liberty.
  • An article on what the Sons of Liberty do the resist the taxes
  • How to join the Sons of Liberty
  • Make sure your name is on the newsletter.
  • When you are finished, please print out the newsletter.

Websites to Use:

•  http://historyofmassachusetts.org/the-sons-of-liberty-who-were-they-and-what-did-they-do/   


• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_Liberty   



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