
Creation of the Atomic Bomb



This timeline provides a brief summary of the information regarding key events and people involved in the development of the atomic bomb. Below each summary there is a “more” link on each topic. Explore those links to find the answers to the questions below. Create a new word document to answer these questions and then submit them in the dropbox.


  1. Who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1935? What did he do to earn this prize?
  2. Which friend of Albert Einstein conceived the idea of a nuclear chain reaction?
  3. What famous equation written in 1905 was only theoretical until nuclear fission was discovered?
  4. Who was the scientist who experimentally proved that equation by demonstrating nuclear fission?
  5. What program did he end up being instrumental to?
  6. Ernest Lawrence directed the development of the cyclotron, which served what purpose to the Manhattan Project?
  7. Which three scientists convinced President Roosevelt to fund the Manhattan Project?
  8. The two atomic bombs that the U.S. dropped on Japan were named what? What did those names represent?
  9. Which important person was unaware of the existence of the Manhattan Project until just a few months before its testing.
  10. What was the Franck Committee Report?
  11. Which scientist crucial to the Manhattan Project signed the Franck Committee Report?
  12. After seeing the Trinity Test at Alamogordo, New Mexico, would you have signed the Franck Committee Report as well? Why or why not?

Writing Assignment:

Choose one of the scientists in the timeline links (or any scientist not listed here that you know worked on the Manhattan Project). Write 5-7 sentences about why you chose this particular scientist and how they will help get Uranprojekt caught up to the Americans. Include this writing at the bottom of the word document that you created to answer the questions above.

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