
Using Prezi�s for effective presentations



Step 1

Click on the following web links and learn more about Prezi.


Getting Started with Prezi



How to make a Prezi



How to create a Prezi presentation


Step 2


Now take a look at some examples of Prezis.



7 Outstanding Example Presentations Using Prezi



Learning Theories by Andre McAulay, Sean Scotland, Gretta Roberts and Crystal De Riggs


Step 3

Now that you have journeyed through the wonderful world of Prezis, it�s time to create your own Prezi.  To begin with ask yourselves the following questions:


  1. What topic do I teach using Prezi?
  2. What objectives would I want achieved after the students view my presentation?
  3. How do I ensure that the information presented is bona fide?  What are the best sources for data?
  4. Wouldn�t it be better if I do a voiceover for emphasis?
  5. How would I evaluate if the students have achieved the objectives?
  6. How is using a Prezi more effective than the traditional way of teaching the topic?

Once you have the answers to those questions, you are ready to start designing your Prezi.

Step 4

Having created your Prezi, it�s now time to share it.  Click on the link below to learn how to share your Prezi.


Prezi � Sharing Your Presentations

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