
Simple present tense



Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

Dengan demikian rumus simple present tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif sebagai berikut :

Jenis KalimatFormula Simple Present TenseContoh  Kalimat
Positif (+)S (I, YOU, THEY, WE) + V-1 + O/ComplementS (HE, SHE, IT)) + V-1 S/ES + O/ComplementThey always go to school together.She goes to shopping mall every Sunday.
S + be (am/is/are)The students are diligent.
Negative (-)S + auxiliary (do/does) + not + bare infinitiveThey do not always go to school together.
S + be(am/is/are) + notThe students are not diligent.
Interogatif (?)Do/Does + S + bare infinitiveDo they always go to school together?
Be(am/is/are) + SAre not the students diligent?

D. Perbedaan Simple Present Tense & Present Continuous Tense

Aktivitas atau kejadiaan pada simple present tense terjadi pada saat ini (present) namun tidak benar-benar sedang berlangsung seperti present continuous tense. Berikut perbandingannya.

  • Simple present tense
    Hendy studies English every day.
    (Hendy belajar Bahasa Inggris setiap hari. ≈ habit / kebiasaan)
  • Present continuous tense
    Hendy is studying English.
    (Hendy sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris)

E. Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

  1. I always have breakfast at 7 in the morning.
    ( Aku selalu sarapan pukul 7 pagi )
  2. She has three sisters.
    ( Dia memiliki 3 saudara perempuan )
  3. We play football every Sunday.
    ( Kami bermain sepak bola setiap minggu )
  4. Irwan is always in my house every evening to study together.
    ( Irwan selalu berada di rumah saya setiap malam untuk belajar bersama)
  5. They do not come here every Friday.
    ( Mereka tidak datang kesini setiap Jumat )
  6. He does not buy the book every year.
    ( Dia tidak membeli buku setiap tahun )
  7. They are not my classmates.
    ( Mereka bukan teman sekelasu )
  8. The earth is round.
    ( Bumi itu bulat )
  9. My uncle is a doctor.
    ( Pamanku seorang dokter )
  10. They always go to school on foot.
    ( Mereka selalu berangkat ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki )

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