



You will first of all split up according to your areas of expertise; that is into four distinct groups and get engaged in the tasks listed below according to group expertise. Each group will eventually submit their findings and task results in a final sitting were the information gathered will be used to create a model of communication of the health issues at hand in a way that is relevant and stimulating to the local villagers. 

Before each of the groups begins work, the members of the team will have to adopt the general work plan proposed by the Social workers. Get a copy of this workplan, and in a sitting of the whole team (chaired by the lead person in the social workers group), make additions and subtractions until a final draft of the workplan is made. (refer to the links under the social workers group for insight on workplaning). This workplan will guide activities from start to finish.

As the social workers  make the draft you may begin browsing the links under your group and/or looking through the different forms you are to use.

The roles of the Project members are:

1. Microbiologists are experts in studying micro-organisms. You will have to: 
i. Research and compile, from different sources, information about general lifestyle of the organisms that cause the three diseases i.e. classification, lifecycle, breeding patterns, feeding behavior, appearance 
ii. Information about the mode of transmission, control and management of these disease in case of an epidemic.

To accomplish this you will have to follow the steps listed below:
  1. Download and print form A (link is at the bottom of this page)
  2. Follow the links assigned to the microbiologists below to research and find information that will be used to fill out form A.
  3. Read the information in your filled form A and prepare to make a presentation to the rest of the team members in other groups. The information will form part of what will be communicated to the villagers.
2. Health workers operate in either health centres or from door to door in village communities to deliver health services. You will:
i. Study the data from the village health centre and in consultation with the health centre staff come up with data on how many times the different households have suffered from the three water borne diseases.
ii. Find out which medication has been most successful in treating each water borne diseases.
iii. Note how many people have died from water borne diseases and what reasons probably made them succumb to the disease they have died from.

To accomplish this you will have to follow the steps listed below:
  1. Download and print form B, C and D
  2. Use these forms as you plan your visit to the health centre.
  3. Make an appointment with the medical supridendant of the health centre explaining to her/him what you intend to do. Let him assign to you one of the medical staff who will walk you through the archives of health centre as you collect the information you want.
  4. Fill out the forms B, C and D appropriately.
  5. Prepare to make your presentation to the rest of the team members in the other groups.
3.Social workers carryout fact finding research in communities and plan the best approaches to use when carrying out a study or dispensing information. You will:
i. Design a data collection questioner to collect information about health behaviours of the village locals that have either caused them to catch water borne diseases or have deliberately caused them to prevent water borne diseases. The questioner will also find out which mechanisms of communication appeal to the locals.
ii. Propose a suitable work plan for the whole exercise to be discussed and adopted by the committee.

To accomplish these tasks you will have to follow the steps listed below:
  1. Note that you have to work through the draft of the time table and have it adopted by the rest of the team before the project begins.
  2. Refer to the sample questioner below to give you a picture of how your questioner should look like.
  3. It is important to have a list of the information you want to get and how the questioner will be formed to get it.
  4. Submit this questioner as the team members bring in their information after carrying out their tasks. Let the team members make additions or subtractions.
4. Mass communication experts is someone who knows how best to deliver messages in a way that gets the information accurately reaching the end user. You will:
i. Come up with a comprehensive list of all available ways of communicating health information in the village.
ii. Analyse the different ways clearly indicating the pros and cons of each and the estimated cost if it is to be used. This will later be discussed by the committee.
iii. Identify a translator to help translate print and audio to local language.

To accomplish these tasks you will have to follow the steps listed below:
  1. Note that you will have to have a feel of what the other groups have gathered before making a final conclusion on what the best medium is. Most of the work will be done in the final meeting with the whole team together. However, search the links on communication methods and use form E to propose different media to be used giving their pros and cons.
  2. Tell the translator how s/he will help in producing both print and audio media in the local language.
  3. Prepare to give your report to the rest of the team.

Joint tasks
With all heads put together, create a model of communication of the health issues at hand in a way that is relevant and stimulating to the local villages. This model should prompt change in health behaviors in the villagers in a way that makes them live lives that are safe from water borne diseases like Cholera, Typhoid and diarrhea.

To accomplish these tasks you will have to follow the steps listed below:
  1. A symposium session will have to be arranged where each of the four groups makes its submissions with the rest giving in their input.
  2. Administer the questionnaire proposed by the social workers and adopted (with adjustments) by the rest of the team. 
  3. From the agreed content, contributed by all group members - using the information from the questionnaire, agree and outline the different ways in which communication activities will be done, how and when they will be done and who will do them.
  4. Draft this into a clear workplan following the model on work planning in the above links. (refer to the links below for more guidance).
  5. Try out the model you have designed in a village you have sampled.
  6. Present all the activities of the entire project in a blog/website with a photo story included.
  7. Make a report to the minister.






  • Sample Questionaire
    Description: To be used by the social workers to guide in designing the questionaire


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