
The Animal Kingdom



On with our destination!

Do you know what animals are?

Do you know that there are many types of animals?

Do you know what animals are already extinct?

Let's proceed on our first stopover...




And we're back.

There are many different types of animals in the world. Many animals are quite similar to each other. Others are quite different. Animals can be classified based on their similarities.

The word "animal" comes from the Latin word anima, meaning vital breath or soul. All animals are members of the Kingdom Animalia, also called Metazoa.

All members of the Animalia are multicellular, and all are heterotrophs (that is, they rely directly or indirectly on other organisms for their nourishment). There are different kinds of animals and these are:

  • Mammals include humans. The word mammal comes from the Latin mamma, meaning breast, because female mammals produce milk to nurse their babies. Nearly all mammals give birth to live young, and all are warm-blooded, maintaining a near-constant body temperature regardless of environmental conditions. They are vertebrates and use lungs to breathe air and are the only animals that grow hair.

Let us see what mammals looks like on our next stop.


Now we know what mammals and how they look like, Let us proceed with the next kind.

  • Amphibians lead double lives—one in water and one on land. Many begin life with gills, then develop lungs as they age. They are vertebrate animals that include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts as well as odd, wormlike caecilians (seh-SILL-yuns). They are cold-blooded, using the environment to regulate their body temperature. Early amphibians were the first animals to leave the sea and venture onto land, forming a crucial link from fish to terrestrial reptiles.

Let us visit the amphibians.


Now we're ready for the next.


Excited for the next? Let us proceed.

  • Fish are ancient water-dwelling creatures found all over the globe. Fish are vertebrates and breathe using gills, which draw oxygen from the water and into the bloodstream. Most have bony skeletons, though sharks and rays have skeletons made of cartilage. Nearly all reproduce by laying eggs.


Now let us fly with the birds.

  • Birds are found in every shape and size, from the tiny hummingbird to the majestic condor. They occur in all the colors of the rainbow and are loved for their musical songs. Some birds can even mimic human speech. All birds lay eggs to incubate their young, and all have feathers—a trait no other animals can claim. Birds also have wings, evolutionary adaptations of ancient forelimbs. Most use their wings for flight, but others, like ostriches and penguins, are grounded.


On to the last.

  • Insects are small creatures (animal kingdom) with three pair of legs, a body with three main sections, and tough shell-like outer covering. Insects do not have a backbone. Most have one or two pair of wings and a pair of antennae.



Now that we are done visiting the animals, let's listen to our fellow Zoologist on how to care for the animals.

After we have gone through our field trip, Let us read on some tips that will guide you to accomplish our tasks.

Here is a guide how to make a reaction paper.


How to make a chart.


How to summarize


How to make a creative work



  • File
    Description: In this activity, you will show your skills in drawing and comparing the different animals being given on the worksheet. Just click the link below and answer it.

  • File
    Description: In this poerpoint presentaion, try to answer the activity about the classification of animals. Guess what kind of animal is being presented.

  • File
    Description: In this powerpoint presentation, you will be able to see the animals. Enjoy the short but cute presentation of the animals below.

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