
Game Mania - Grades 5 - 8



Your teacher will divide the class into groups of 4 students. Choose one student for each job before you begin the tasks below. Each member in the group will need to choose one of the following roles:

Educational Specialist -
This person will be responsible for making sure all integer operation rules are followed correctly when making the game. 

Graphic Designer - This person will be in charge of choosing theme,clip art, illustrations or other art used on your project. All group members will help; this person will be in charge of the  design.

Materials Coordinator - This person will make a list of all items needed to create the game. All group members will help create the project; this person will be in charge of gathering supplies.

Idea Coordinator - This person will write down all websites visited and record ideas the group may want to use in the game. All group members will work together as research specialists to play different games and gather ideas. Good luck!

 Task 1: Review Integer Rules - How much do you know about operations of integers? Before you begin working on your game, make sure everyone understands the rules for adding and subtracting integers. The Educational Specialist is responsible for recording these. Visit some of the sites below to review integer operations.  List all rules on a graphic organizer for reference later.  You will need to refer to these as you are making your game board and writing the rules. Ask your teacher for help if there are things you do not understand about the rules.

Integer websites:

Mrs. Goosner's Math Goodies -

Amby's Math Resources - http://amby.com/educate/math/integer.html

Ellie's(Grade 7) Math Blog - http://grade7math.blogspot.com/2006/02/integer-games.html

Task 2: Brainstorming & Game Ideas - Visit several sites below and play different integers games. This will give you ideas of what types of things you might want to include in your game.  The Recorder will keep a record of each website you visited and games you played. Keep notes about the following:  Jot down ideas of things you like as you play the different games.  What made the game fun to play?  What determined who won the game? What was the theme or setting of the game? How did players move around the board? 

Math Game Websites:

Math Car Racing http://www.funbrain.com/cgi-bin/osa.cgi?A1=s&A2=4

Mystery Picture http://www.dositey.com/2008/addsub/Mystery11.htm


Task 3: Theme & Setting - Decide on a theme and setting. How will players move and who will win? Use your notes to help you make the decisions below:  Where will your game take place? Will the setting be in a sports setting, in space or in an amusement park? These are just a few ideas, be creative! How will the players move around the board?Decide if players will use a spinner, roll dice or draw number card to move.Your game may use more than one type of movement. Will there be a way for players to lose spaces on your board? Do you want penalties for incorrect answers? What will the game pieces look like? What will determine who wins the game? You might have the players collect points, complete tasks or answer questions. The winner could be the first to reach a certain point on the game board. How will the players keep track of their scores or points? 

Task 4: Gather Materials - All group members will help create the project, but the materials coordinator will be in charge of gathering supplies.  Check with your teacher. Some of the things you need may be available in the classroom. Other items can be brought from home. Write the supplies you will need to bring to school on the materials list.

Task 5: Rough Draft - Make a rough draft of your game board. Decide on the general rules for your game. Include ways for players to use both positive and negative integers. For example, in a football game yardage lost would be a negative number. A touchdown or field goal scored would be a positive integer. Add illustrations and color. Someone in the group can draw the art work for your game, or you can find clip art and graphics on the internet.  Choose colors that are bright and appealing.  Design game pieces for each player.  Make sure you use correct grammar and spelling.Have your teacher review your rough draft plans before you begin the final game board. 

Task 6: Game Board - Make the final game board and find a storage container. Write a detailed step by step set of directions for playing the game. Use a word processor program and type the final copy of game directions. Proof read to check for errors before publishing. Glue the game board onto a piece of poster board. Give your game a title and decorate the storage container.  Give credit to group members. Organize the board and game pieces inside the container.

Task 7: Try It Out - Ask someone that will not be playing your game during Game-mania Day to critique your project. Do you need to make any minor changes?  Are the rules clear and easy to understand?Was the game too easy or too hard? What did they like most about your game?Make any minor changes needed before bringing it to school.

Task 8: Game-mania Day - You are ready for "Game-mania Day." Come and enjoy playing the other games with your classmates!




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