
Let's Tell Time!



Step 1:     Hey students, lets begin our journey on time telling by watching the DVD video about Zoid Cuckoo who needs to learn how to tell time so he can have his own cuckoo clock to live in.          Click here to watch DVD

Step 2:    Make and assemble your own analogue clock with an hour hand, minute hand and numbers so you can practice telling time.     Download and print out the clock template below and follow the instructions.  Raise your hand if you need assistance.        Click here to download Analogue Clock template.     Use your clock to show times as you work through this journey.                          

Now you are ready to tell time to the hour so lets have a practice at the following activity.      Click on the link to start Activity.      Don't forget to click on 'correct my answers' at the bottom of the page.

If you are confident with your time telling skills you can now complete the quizzes.    Click on each quiz link and print out each sheet to complete by hand.   This is to be handed to your teacher.     Click here for the first quiz.          Click here for the second quiz.

If you got 5 or less correct on your quizzes, let's have some more practice!       Click on the link and read along about the Grouchy Lady Bug.     As you listen to the story move the hands of your own clock to the time shown in the book.     Click here for Grouchy Ladybug.

Now have another go at the quizzes.      *Remember the "little hand" or short hand helps us read the hour and the "big hand" or long hand helps us read the minute.          When we read the time on a clock we look at the "little hand" first to tell what hour it is.       If the hour hand is on a number or past a number but has not reached the next number, we say it is that hour.

Step 3:   It is time to take another step on our amazing journey!      Let's look at the units of time.      Watch and sing along to the 'Time Telling Song' to learn more about the second, minute and hour hands of a clock.    Click here for the Song.    

Do you know how long one minute is?    Let's set the timer and find out!!     Grab a piece of  lined paper and a pen, click on the timer link and press 'Start'.     How many numbers can you write down in one minute?      Have another go.    How many times can you write your name in one minute? 

Ready, Set, GO!!                        Click here for Timer             Now have a look at the   Units of Time poster.

Step 4:   You are now on your way to becoming a time telling expert.      Next you are going to learn to tell time by the half hour  -   How clever you are!!

Click on the link to view the Fairy Godfather Show.      Click here for the Show            Great Job Students!!           Click on the links and have fun practicing your new skills         

 Click here for Cat and Mouse Game .     

Set the timer for 3 minutes and see how snappy your time telling skills are.     Click here for Snappy Time Telling .

Ready to take the quizzes?           Click on each quiz link and print out each sheet to complete by hand.               This is to be handed to your teacher.   

     Click here for the first quiz.              Click here for the second quiz.

Step 5:    As you have seen analogue clocks have hands and numbers with the 24 hours in one day being split into two halves,  a.m and p.m.    Click here for clock pictures          A digital clock is different, it doesn't break up the 24hours of a day into two halves, instead it counts each of the 24 hours in the day.          A digital clock is like a timer and it just keeps adding an extra hour after 12pm.          The clock then resets to 00:00 (midnight), to begin counting the new day.      

Follow along and have a practice at working with digital times.     Play 'What Time is It?' by matching the time on analogue and digital clocks.    Click here for What Time is It? Game             Ready for the quiz?   Click on the quiz link and print out the sheet to complete by hand.   This is to be handed to your teacher.               Click here for the quiz.

Step 6: Well done!!    You are almost at the finishing line.     Please visit the video on telling time to the quarter hour.     Click here for Quarter Time video   

 Now have a try at these games for practice.      Game 1          Game 2         Your almost done.  Test your skill at telling the time by the quarter hour.             

Please click on the quiz links.             Click on each quiz link and print out each sheet to complete by hand.             This is to be handed to your teacher.      

  Final Quiz 1        Final Quiz 2 

Way to go!!  You have successfully become a time telling expert!!

Should you want to revise what you have learnt on this journey about time telling then click on the revision link and press open.                Time Telling Revision

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