
"Set the World on Fire" Unit 1 Webquest



Task 1 - Define terms  (Homework Day 1)

  • Your first task is to be carried out on an individual basis.  (You may discuss your findings with your friends but each and every one of you is to compile her own document.
  • Definitions can be written on loose leaf paper or you can download and print the worksheet attached to the process section.
  • Next you are to find a definition for each of the terms.  Giving an example to show your understanding helps you gain extra points. This example can be written as a sentence or drawn as a picture.

Task 2 - Why teach elementary students about marketing? Marketing Videos (Class Day 2)

Brand Marketing Videos

What is Marketing & Brand Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_XWp5fnXKc

A Pep Talk from Kid President: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-gQLqv9f4o

(only Grades 5-8)Steve Jobs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSP8Mu9S-aU 

Task 3 - Research St. Catherine of Siena (Homework Day 2)

Complete the Graphic Organizer. This will provide important information on this saint who is the author of our theme.

Task 4 - Strategy and Plan (Day 3)

This will include classroom discussion and planning worksheet completion

Read the article, "Let's Introduce Marketing in Elementary School" by Dennis Shiao 


Brand Marketing Videos

Brain Pop on Graphic Design: http://www.brainpop.com/artsandmusic/artconcepts/graphicdesign/

Task 5 - Create Flier (Homework Day 3)

Task 6 - Create P. S. A.  - Announcement or Video 9 (Day 4)

Day 5 - Presentations to Class

Please Note

  • I have included a few sites that may help you. 

Once again Good Luck.


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