
CMD Second Language Development Webquest




Before beginning the assignments, it is very important to be familiar with several terms:

L1: First language/ native language
L2: Second language/ language the person is trying to learn
ESL: English as a Second Language
ELL: English Language Learners
Phonemes: smallest units of sound
Phonology: the study of sound
Morphemes: smallest units of words
Morphology: the study of word formation
Semantics: study of word meanings. 

ALL of these assignments are to be done individually. 
Task 1: Second Language Acquisition and the Stages of Development

1. Review the following links in regards to second language acquisition and the stages of development

          - Pay particular attention to learning versus acquisition 

2. Write, in your notes, the components of second language development.

3. Define, in your notes, second language acquisition in your own words.

Task 2:  Combining and Applying First and Second Language Acquisition: 
Read the EDUCATIONAL THEORIES PDF LOCATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE.  Choose 1 theory that best fits your idea of language development and explain why you think this theory is appropriate.  Identify the theory and express it on your glogster through narration. 

You must also express the impact of this knowledge on your future career, i.e. what does knowing about language developement impact your teaching. This also needs to be done through narration.  Be very concrete and specific with your language use.  You may want to use the sentence prompt: Learning about first and second language development impacts me and my career because......

Note: MAKE SURE YOU REFER TO THE FORMAT AND EVALUATION Information to  submit your final products!!!   You will not be submitting your glogster to a dropbox or discussion board. Once you press the finish button, it will go into our glog course under my class "KrautChen". 




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