
Care and Stewardship of God's Creations: A Public Service Announcement




1.  First, create a blog at www.blogger.com. One part of your homework each day will be to blog about what you have done on this project and to speak about how you are feeling and what you have learned. Be insightful! Be analytical! Be engaging! Each day, be sure to send me an email from the last page to your blog so I can be notified when it is ready.

2. Today, you will find out what the Catholic Church has to say about conservation and the current crisis in our environment.Next, individually, go to http://conservation.catholic.org/ecologicalcrisis.htm and read "Peace with God the Creator; Peace With All of Creation." This message was given by Blessed Pope John Paul II at the World Day of Peace in 1990. Blog about your thoughts after you are done reading. How do you feel about the state of the environment? Where do you stand? What does the Church have to say about the problem? What sources did the Pope cite to support his message? 

1. Today you will decide on an animal to research. You are in a group but you each have your own computer to use during class. Your species must be in the CA US Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program. Go to this page: http://www.fws.gov/endangered/index.html and first read the program overview. Explore the website. What information can be found there? If this a reputable site? How can you tell? Discuss the site with your group members. Explain the program in your own words in your blog entry for homework.

2. Next, with your group,  search http://www.fws.gov/endangered/index.html in the state of CA for an animal (not a plant for this project) that interests you and that your group would like to learn more about. Come to a consensus about the animal you will research for this project. 

3. For homework, in addition to your blog entry, research from at least three reputable sites or print sources basic information about your chosen animal. Come to class with notes (typed or handwritten) about your animal. Concern yourself with basic information about the animal, its habitat, its characteristics, and its food sources.


1. Choose JOBS for this project:

a. THE CREATIONIST: Your animal is good and was put here by God for a reason! What purpose does your animal serve in supporting creation? How helpful is your animal to the ecosystem? Why should people care about your animal?

b. THE DE-CREATIONIST: You are responsible for researching the human factors that are harming your animal. Be specific: consider industrial wastes, fossil fuels, habitat encroachment, overpopulation, poaching... Research and report on actual STATISTICS. How bad is the problem? Give specific numbers from reputable sources for the status of your animal.   

c. THE RE-CREATIONIST: You are responsible for researching interventions for your animal.  What groups, agencies, organizations, laws, etc... are intervening to make a difference for your animal? Be specific about the methods that have been used to change the problems your animal has experienced. Use statistics to show how the species has grown, stayed the same, or declined due to the intervention attempts. Then, develop an action plan for students at our school. You know they are going to want to get involved! What can high school students do to help your animal?

d.  THE SCRIPTURE EXPERT: You are responsible for finding scripture to support your group's topic. Find two passages that connect to THE CREATIONIST and his/her topics, to THE DE-CREATIONIST and his/her topics, and to the RE-CREATIONIST and his/her topics.

2. After you have chosen jobs, begin your research. You are preparing to write a script for a public service announcement for Pilot TV (PTV). Each person in the group must contribute his or her research to the script, although not everyone needs to appear onscreen. Utilize your knowledge of MLA format as you take notes and remember the following requirements:

         a. You must use RELIABLE sources and sites. Refer to your website evaluation sheet and your notes from class to determine if the source is reliable.
         b. You must use (cite) three separate sources for your individual part.
         c. Bring your typed or handwritten notes to class to share with your group

3. Tonight, finish researching and blog about your job and what you've learned during today's research!


1. Come together in your group and share what you have learned. Take turns and learn about your animal from all of the angles presented.  

2. Begin, as a group, to form the outline for your script. Your PSA should be between two and three minutes and should completely introduce your animal, its issue from an ecological standpoint, its purpose for being on earth, and what problems the animal has encountered and why. Also, tell about groups and organizations that are intervening on behalf on your animal and how effective these interventions have been. Also, decide on the ACTION PLAN so that your school- mates can get involved! 

Go through your information together and decide what you will present in your PSA and begin writing the actual announcement. Use facts from EACH person's section in the PSA. You will turn in your script via turnitin.com. MAKE SURE YOU CITE ALL OF THE FACTS as required in MLA. Prepare a Works Cited page for the script, as well. 

3. Tonight, blog about your script- writing experience! Write about how you decided what information to include, and what not to include. Write about difficulties you experienced with group members (if any). How did you overcome differences and conflicts?


1. Finalize your PSA script. 
     a. Time the script.
     b. Choose video clips, photos or other visuals for your PSA. You must have at least three added visuals.
     c. Rehearse!

2. Tonight, blog about your script, the process you used to create the script, how you decided what visuals to use and how you decided what recording program to use. Tell how the process of rehearsing went!


 1. Film or prepare the PSA using Windows MovieMaker Live, iMovie or another program with which you are competent.
2. Edit as needed in the TV studio or computer lab. 
3. Blog about the filming! How did it go? How did you decide who would appear onscreen? What other jobs do group members have? Discuss the editing process. Tell how it went and how the final product looks.


1. Make final edits to your PSA. 
2. Submit your script to turnitin.com.
3. Submit your PSA to the teacher on a DVD, memory stick or online in our  private YouTube area.
4. Blog about your PSA. Are you happy with the outcome? Do you think your PSA will make a difference? Why or why not?


1. Watch PSAs in class.
2. Make one final blog entry: What did you learn about stewarding God's creation? What can you do as a teenager? What is YOUR PERSONAL ACTION PLAN for becoming a steward of God's creation?



Windows Movie Maker Live Tutorial
iMovie Tutorial

Description: It might be Justin Bieber!

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