
Fast Food Challenge



1. Go to  fooducate.com and read about the latest obesity stats.

2. Answer the questions about the article on the worksheet that I gave you.  If you lost it, it can be downloaded from the resources list below.

 3. Download and save the Fast Food Challenge Chart in the resources to your student account, this will be printed and turned in at the end of the Webquest.

4. Open the Chart and fill out name, weight, and age

5. Find your BMI by using the calculator at mayoclinic.com and then record you BMI on the chart.

6. Proceed to i-goals.com to find your daily nutritional needs. Make sure that you change units from Metric to Imperial. Read the activity options and select the one that fits you lifestyle.

7. Take your nutritional needs and input them into your Chart in the 4 places that it is required (at the top of the chart and at the top of each day)

8. Begin recording you meal plan for three days using the fast food links in the resource section. Watch this hamburger video to make you hungry before you start. Don't forget your mom's rules!!!! You must meet your nutritional needs, you must have main item, side item, and drink with each meal, and you must fit a dessert in to your diet each day. Don't forget that you can't repeat any meal that you come up with.

9. Record each meal to the chart and complete the math for each day. The best way to figure out if you have met your needs is using the Autosum feature in excel. If you don't know how to use autosum you can watch the youtube video in the resource section. If you are using autosum, you must subtract your meals from your nutritional needs. For example, if you have 2400 mg of sodium to "spend" in a day and your first item had 200 mg of sodium you would record it on the chart as (-200) so when you do autosum it will give you the difference between needs and your meals.

10 Print off your completed chart and obesity stats worksheet and turn in to me. Double check to make sure they are complete before turning in your work.

11.  Once your chart is complete, the last thing you must do is work collaboratively with 2 other students to create an educational Glog using Glogster. Each group will have 3 roles to cover; a researcher/ writer, a graphic designer, and a presenter, the rubrics for each role are found in the resource list and you will be graded individually based on your task. Your group will need to work together to create a Glog showing that you understand the effects of eating fast food and then your presenter will present the Glog to your mom (class).  


  • File
    Description: Glog Researcher / Writer Rubric

  • File
    Description: Glog Graphic Designer

  • File
    Description: Glog Presenter Rubric

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