
A New World



Day 1 - In your group of 5, you will create a world of your own, a kingdom far, far away, in a time to be established by your group. The eldest of each group will be the ruler of your nation, and as the ruler you will choose two explorers, a map maker, and a secretary of your court. The ruler and the court will justify a need to expand your kingdom, A document will be written to explain the need and the direction your explorers will be taking. The ruler will submit the final copy on the fifth day, be sure to include the names in the group and their titles.

Day 2 - Your group has decides by what means the explorers will be using to travel to the new land. When you have arrived in the new land, you befriend a native who will be your guide to through the land, you will keep a log for the two week journey, being sure to name you guide and describe them. You will describe the land, the resources available, the distance you traveled, and the mode of transportation. On of the explorers will submit the final copy on the fifth day, be sure to include the names in the group and their titles.

Day 3 - The exploration has been completed and the explorer return to the homeland. The ruler and the court will have to design a way to govern the new land and implement the new policies. What methods will be applied to establish a government in the new land and who will be assigned to apply them? The secretary will submit a final copy of the plan be the end of the fifth day, be sure to list all the names in the group and their titles.

Day 4 - The group will design a map of the homeland as well as the new land. Be sure to include all geographic entities: hills, mountains, rivers, bays, fields, cities, villages, etc. Please also include a key to the map.The map maker will submit the final drawings on the fifth day of the task, be sure to include all the names in the group with their titles.

Day 5 - The group will need to find a way to pay for the journeys to and from the new land, what taxes will be established, and how these taxes will be collected as well as what each tax will be used for. A financial plan must be created and the second explorer will submit the final copy on the fifth day, be sure to include all the names in the group and their titles.

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