

This is the MOST important account you will create.

You will be using GOOGLE DRIVE to create and maintain your DIGITAL PORTFOLIO.  You can save and share all kinds of files using GOOGLE DRIVE.  You will quickly find that using GOOGLE DRIVE will be something you will want to use with your class, with other teachers, and personally.  It is easy, free, and user friendly.

Before you can do that you need to set up a GOOGLE account for SCHOOL.  

Feel free to use a GOOGLE ACCOUNT you may have already, but we highly suggest that you create AT LEAST ONE Google Account JUST for school.

STEP 1: Go HERE and create a Google Account.  If you need help use this VIDEO below to help you create your Google Account if needed.

STEP 2: Once you have an account and you sign in, look at the top of the Google page and find the checker board looking square (as seen in (IMAGE 1) a menu will drop down (IMAGE 2) click on DRIVE.

STEP 3: Click on the red CREATE box.  A menu box will open.  CLICK on FOLDER. (IMAGE 3) Name your first folder TEACHING and click CREATE. (IMAGE 4).  You will use this folder to save files, and information from our TECH DAY.


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