
5 Star Tex' Weather Challenge

Day 2


Day 2: Thermometer

For today's tasks all team members must choose a role:
a - speaker
b - reader
c - computer tech: control the mouse and the keyboard
d - courier 


Complete Day 1 tasks.


Each weather team will be given a weather instrument.

Team 1 = Barometer
Team 2 = Weather Vane
Team 3 = Thermometer
Team 4 = Rain Gauge
Team 5 = Anemometer
Team 6 = Wind Sock

Your team will:

a. Find a picture or draw a picture of your instrument. It must fit on the mat given to you in your team folder. These links will help you find pictures.


Weather Instruments:  http://www.weatherwizkids.com/
Scholastic Weather watch:  http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/wwatch/

b. Tape or glue the picture to the mat.

c. Use a word processing program to type the instrument's description and use.  The font must be Times New Roman and the size will be 28.

d. Print the description.

e. Wait until your teacher calls your team. Bring the picture and description with you.

f. While you wait move on to task 3.

 Task 3

Reading and making a Thermometer.

Your team will:

a. Use the following link and follow the directions.

b. Print 1 copy for each team member. You will each make your own thermometer.

Team Bats Day 2 – Weather Instruments inspection

Students will be handed the following weather instruments:

  • Thermometer
  • Barometer
  • Sling Psychrometer
  • Rain Gauge

Each student will get about two minutes to inspect the instruments


Based on the ebook from day 1:

  • Try to determine what instrument they are holding based on a simple inspection
  • Share guessed instrument with the group
  • Other group members agree or disagree and explain why
  • Correct answers for each instrument are revealed
  • Students get to inspect instruments again knowing the correct name for each

Parakeet Activities:

Task 1

Students are to create a Bar Graph showing the temperatures that they had found in the Day 1 assignment.

The learner will be able to create graphs and be able to interpret what the data means.


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