
Marco Polo and the Silk Road

Marco Polo


1) Find information about Marco Polo. Be sure to organize your
     research into sections that follow a logical sequence, ie. early life,
     voyages, life in China, return home, results of his voyages. Provide
     clear topic sentences and supporting details.
     Use the links below.

     Marco Polo from Silkroad.com
     Marco Polo from Thinkquest
     Marco Polo from Middleages.org
     Marco Polo from BBC History

2) If you time-traveled back to the days of Marco Polo and were
     able to take one modern piece of technology back with you,
     how would your modern technology impact the ancient culture?
     One or two sentences is not going to be enough for this one! You
     will really need to put some thought into it. Maybe present your
     findings in the form of a story?
     Your explanation must provide evidence of critical
     thinking and
facts to support your thoughts.

     Once you have finished your research, go to the Presentation icon.

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