
Graphing with the Coordinate Plane



What is y=mx+b? And ax+by=c?  Looks like Greek to me!  You are looking at two formulas developed by the French mathematician Rene Descartes.  These are two of the most famous formulas in all of Algebra. These algebraic formulas represent ALL straight lines that can be graphed on the coordinate plane.  

This project is designed to help you figure out all of the components of a coordinate plane and how to graph basic data - through exploration and visiting various information sources on the web.  This webquest will help you make sense of the x axis, y axis, coordinates, points, plots, lines, and graphs in Algebra. 

Linear Equations, like the two found at the beginning, are the basis for all slopes, maps, business models, and relationships between data sets.  Learning these formulas is the next step after you have a solid understanding of the Cartesian plane. 

Have fun and enjoy your journey.

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