
Preterm Labor



You are in line at the grocery store when the pregnant woman behind you (for the purpose of this WebQuest, we will call her "Anne") doubles over in pain. You turn around and begin to comfort Anne, saying "It is going to be ok. I am a nurse. I'm going to do what I can to help you until the ambulance arrives." Anne is crying, scared, and tells you she is only 30 weeks pregnant but has been experiencing regular, painful contractions since this morning. Anne asks you "Is it too soon to have my baby? What might have caused me to start having contractions? Can they be stopped?" Can you confidently answer any of her questions?

Every year, approximately 10% of babies are born prematurely (March of Dimes, 2016). These babies are at serious risk for health problems at birth and later on in life (March of Dimes, 2016). In order to reduce the number of premature infants and the health risks that accompany preterm births, we must understand all the aspects of preterm labor. This WebQuest focuses on exactly that. Students will be guided through this activity to gain knowledge on the definition, causes and risks factors, signs and symptoms, and treatment options for preterm labor.

Continue on through this WebQuest to see how long you can help Anne carry her pregnancy!

March of Dimes. (2016). Preterm Labor and Premature Birth. Retrieved from http://www.marchofdimes.org/complications/preterm-labor-and-premature-birth.aspx

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